We are postponing the release date of our game "Runa In Nightmare House".
Original release window: Late October 2024
New release window: Mid-August 2025
The reason for the delay is due to insufficient foresight in managing other tasks, such as the production of "1999 Tokoyo Building". While the development is progressing and the overall flow from the start to the end of the game is coming together, we have decided to delay the release because we do not wish to launch the game without adequate polish and volume.
We sincerely apologize to those who have been looking forward to the release and those who have supported us.
In this update, we have improved the translation of Lost Memory. There are no new additions to the main story. I will say it again because it is important: There are no new additions to the main story.
ホラーゲームオンリーというだけでわくわくしますが、インディーゲーム展示イベントとしては珍しく開催時間が15~21時となっており昼間忙しい人も安心です。早起き苦手だからありがたい…。更にR-18ゾーンがあり、そこでは日本語化も発表された"あの"『FAITH: The Unholy Trinity』も展示されるとか…!行きたすぎますね。