Follow ルカと君の秘密の部屋, and keep up to date with them!
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ルカと君の秘密の部屋's Plans
Monthly Cost: 500 yen plan
Monthly Cost: 2,000 yen plan
🌻下位のプラン全て+α観れるよ♡ 🌻ルカの実写動画を月1回〜2回出すよ。 (ルカのキスや日常等) 🌻ルカのラジオ📻歌ったりラジオ風におしゃべりしたりここでしか聴けない話も㊙(不定期) 🌻ルカの非公開の秘蔵写真もみれるかも!!
Monthly Cost: 5,000 yen plan
🌻上記のプラン全て+α観れるよ 🌻ルカの事をして支援して下さる方♡♡ 🌻君の為に君限定のシチュボを作ります♡ 🌻お名前呼びながらのイチャイチャラブラブボイス💋(7〜9分くらい) 例 )キスを多めにしてほしい。 〜なセリフをいれてほしい。〜なシチュエーションがいい! 等リクエストしてね♡ ⚠R15くらいです
Monthly Cost: 10,000 yen plan
ご主人様プラン 撮影用のお洋服やパジャマの購入を支援してくださるご主人様プラン🐈 ルカにこんなの着て欲しいよって要望あったら教えてほしいな♡♡ なるべく要望に沿えたお洋服での実写撮影動画をプレゼントします🎁 でも、あまり過激なのは恥ずかしいからだめだよー🐾
About Paid Plans
You can end your support for a creator or change plans anytime.※
Changing to a lower plan will not result in an extra charge, as the content included is the same. Changing to a higher plan will result in a charge for the difference in the cost of your current monthly plan and the new plan.
* Exempting the last day of the month from 21:00~ to the first of the following month at 00:00.
Creator articles posted during a month you supported can be viewed even if you are no longer supporting them.
Creator articles from a month during which you supported can be viewed even if you've stopped supporting them. If you end support for a creator during a month, you can still view all new articles that release until the end of that month. (* Please note that past articles can be hidden or deleted at the creator's discretion.)
How to use
Ci-en is not a marketplace.
Ci-en is a platform dedicated to supporting creators. It is not for the registration review for users, or creators, or plan contents.
Please see [What is Ci-en?] for more information about keeping Ci-en an open and creative environment for all users.
About Payment Methods
- Electronic money
- Internet banking
- Convenience Store Advance Payment
- Bank Transfer
- BitCash