
Double V Games 2024/03/09 23:57

The Dom. Bad feeling - ドム。悪い兆候 🌒

We invite you to immerse yourself in a parallel reality created by brain of a mentally unhealthy person.

TheDom.zip (0.94GB)


This is a small free game. You can finish it in 20 minutes.
これは小さな無料ゲームです。 20分以内に完了できます。

You are an old man, who wakes up in his old house in a state of an obsessive bad feeling. Reality, his memories and bizarre hallucinations are intertwined in one. Is his subconsciousness trying to warn him about something? Or is he simply tormented by his failing body and mind, while reality is much better?

This game is a horror adventure with classic point and click control.
このゲームは、古典的なポイント アンド クリック コントロールを備えたホラー アドベンチャーです。

We made this game in two weeks for Senscape Adventurous Jam 2021.
Senscape Adventurous Jam 2021 のためにこのゲームを 2 週間で作成しました.

Walkthrough ウォークスルー
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Double V Games 2024/03/01 22:16

Divination: Three runes - 占い:3つのルーン 🌙

Here is your own box of runes!

divination-three-runes.zip (35.31MB)


This is a small free game.
Google Play

The runes will help you to look inside yourself, they will give advice and hint at the future. Just shuffle the runes, close your eyes (or not :) ), ask your question and choose three random runes. And they will tell you everything!
ルーン文字は自分自身の内面を見つめるのに役立ち、アドバイスや未来へのヒントを与えてくれます。ルーンをシャッフルし、目を閉じて (あるいは閉じなくても :))、質問して、ランダムなルーンを 3 つ選択してください。そして彼らはすべてを教えてくれるでしょう!

It doesn't matter if you are serious about fortune-telling or not. Because it's also a good way to have fun with friends or just relax after a hard day's work to the sound of falling runes.

The app created mainly for phones. It reads the position of the phone in space. You can rotate, roll, shake them, as if your box of runes is in front of you. So better download it here. But of course you can download the PC version or play online.
主に携帯電話向けに作成されたアプリです。空間内の電話の位置を読み取ります。まるでルーンの箱が目の前にあるかのように、回転させたり、転がしたり、振ったりすることができます。ここからダウンロードした方が良いでしょう。もちろん、PC バージョンをダウンロードしたり、オンラインでプレイしたりすることもできます。

Trailer トレーラー
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Double V Games 2024/02/24 17:56

ProgrammerClicker - プログラマークリッカー 💻

Feel like an ordinary programmer!

programmerclicker.zip (128.61MB)


This is a small free game. You can finish it in 20 minutes.
これは小さな無料ゲームです。 20分以内に完了できます。

You are coding days and nights, but the letters blur across the screen into bizarre images and your tired eyes and brain are not able to put it all together.

It is good that your gods come to you from time to time to support you...
But now the code is the main thing in your life.
It enslaves you.
It eats you alive.

But Inbrace yourself!
Beat this code!
Destroy it!
Become successful!
Become unstoppable!

It is a short and funny parody game right from 2016 in it's original trash form, but polished for release. It's a clicker.
これは 2016 年に作られた短くて面白いパロディ ゲームで、オリジナルのゴミ形式ではありますが、リリースに向けて洗練されています。クリッカーですよ。

Walkthrough ウォークスルー
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Double V Games 2024/02/16 20:58

Edgar's Christmas - エドガーのクリスマス🌲

"Edgar's Christmas" is a game where gifts attack you!

Edgar's Christmas_ENG.zip (103.66MB)


This is a small free game. You can finish it in 20 minutes.
これは小さな無料ゲームです。 20分以内に完了できます。

"Edgar's Christmas"- is not a Christmas fairytale. It is a real horror, which can happen with any of us in the winter. On Christmas Eve, Edgar does not celebrate and rest, like others, because he knows the truth about this holiday. The Christmas tree is ready and the decorations are hung, but Edgar continues to prepare. Prepare for this creepy night.

Protect your house, warn your friends, destroy all disgusting creatures, eager to get through under the cloud of holidays. And try not to get eaten by the Christmas spirit!

Feel the atmosphere of holiday...
...and horror.

This game includes adventure, pixel art shooter and roguelike. This is a funny and quirky horror game with humor and mystical atmosphere.
このゲームには、アドベンチャー、ピクセル アート シューティング、ローグライクが含まれています。これは、ユーモアと神秘的な雰囲気を持つ、面白くて風変わりなホラー ゲームです。

We made this game back in 2018 in three weeks for game jam «Multi Genre Mix» and actually took a second place with it!
このゲームは 2018 年にゲームジャムのために 3 週間かけて作成しました「マルチ ジャンル ミックス」のために 3 週間かけて作成し、実際に 2 位を獲得しました。

Walkthrough ウォークスルー
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Double V Games 2024/02/09 19:19

Youkai Yashiki HD - 妖怪屋敷HD 💀

"Youkai Yashiki HD" is a game where light conquers darkness!

Youkai Yashiki HD.zip (92.72MB)


This is a small free game. You can finish it in 20 minutes.
これは小さな無料ゲームです。 20分以内に完了できます。

Fight remarkably strange monsters in tangled labyrinths of a creepy Japanese manor. They are waiting for you. Slugs, bats, Oni demons, revived umbrellas and lamps, Rokurokubi, one-eyed cyclops with long tongues... But most of all, your girlfriend is waiting for you. Whom they locked up with magical seals in the basement.

But it's ok! You have your main weapon! Your faithful flashlight and youthful recklessness!

Good luck!

We made this game back in 2018. We made it in a month for the game jam «Oldschool» and actually took a second place with it!
このゲームは 2018 年に作成しました。ゲームジャム「オールドスクール」のために 1 か月で作成し、実際に 2 位を獲得しました。

It is a fan not official remake of one of the progenitors of the genre. We made the first level, and we tried to make it close to the original.
これは、このジャンルの始祖の 1 つを公式にリメイクしたものではなく、ファンによるものです。私たちは最初のレベルを作成し、オリジナルに近づけようとしました。

And it is a 2D horror platformer.

Original オリジナル
Original gameplay オリジナルのゲームプレイ
Easter egg イースターエッグ
Walkthrough ウォークスルー
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