Ci-en Creator Page *English translation


List 118 is the concept for a Horror game first created by manga artist and illustrator "烏間ル" (Karasumaru) in 2016.
While the concept became clearer the more I developed the characters, story and backgrounds, I was also spending my available time working on manga, illustration projects and fulfilling other responsibilities. Unfortunately, production for the game didn't progress as hoped.
5 years passed...
One day, with fans still patiently awaiting any news about development (despite so few updates), trisys, Inc. reached out to me about List 118.

"Why don't we work together to make List 118 a reality?"

And so, we began the production of List 118.


We are the Student Council Executive Committee of Rokugendo High School, where List 118 takes place.
It will take some time to complete the game from here. To everyone who is waiting for the release, we, the Student Council Executive Committee, will notify you on the game production and share updates.


"My weakness is the light that illuminates you."

Tsunagu -- a boy that isolates himself, and does not go to school.
One night...
Tsunagu's twin brother, Yol, takes him to the mountain behind Rokugendo High School so they can visit the shrine where "any wish will be granted."

"Yol, what will you wish for?"
"I'll wish that my adorable little brother will be able to go to school, of course."

The moment they try to pass through the school building --
The figure of Yol, who was holding Tsunagu's hand, suddenly disappears, and the doors shut closed.

Tsunagu is trapped in the school.
But by the time he realizes, it is too late.
The sound of something being dragged echoes throughout the hallways.
There is an ear-splitting scream.

"Hey... Tell me your name."

On this dark night, a tragedy that tears apart the boys' hearts unfolds within the walls of Rokugendo High School.


"I don't want to run away anymore. I don't want to be weak anymore."

The main character of the story. A shy introvert. Yol's younger twin brother.

Skill: Cooking
Hobby: Reading
Favorite Food: Sweet azuki red bean soup with white mochi dumplings
Dislikes: Meat

"If it's for my cute younger brother, I'll do anything. I'm his older brother after all."

Severe brother complex. Speaks formally, but is rude. Tsunagu's older twin brother.

Skill: Cutting hair
Hobby: Visiting ruins
Favorite food: Strawberry parfait
Dislikes: Meat

“I can hear them. Your thoughts, your feelings. Everything.”

A handsome and haughty Mr. Perfect.

Skill: Footwork, Piano
Hobby: Dance
Favorite food: Gratin
Dislikes: Sweets

“I always lose the things that are important to me. I bet this time will be the same...”

Gloomy and unsociable. Somewhat twisted.

Skill: Games
Hobby: Taking walks, people watching
Favorite food: Sweet red bean paste bun
Dislikes: Eel

“So long as I’m here, there’s nothing to worry about!”

Positive and optimistic. Best friends with Lon and Hine.

Skill: Three-pointer shot
Hobby: Making friendship bracelets
Favorite food: Oden hot pot
Dislikes: Liver

“Damn it. Why the hell do I gotta get caught up in this?!”

Short-tempered and sharp-tongued. Regularly violates school rules.

Skill: Basketball
Hobby: Skateboarding
Favorite food: Cheese hamburger steak
Dislikes: Green peas

“I’m scared, but... I’m more scared of losing someone I care about.”

Dependable and looks out for others. Lon’s childhood friend.

Skill: Sewing
Hobby: Cooking
Favorite food: Shortcake
Dislikes: Gyoza

“Hey, don’t leave me all by myself...!”

Absentminded and easy-going. Speaks formally.

Skill: Shuttle run
Hobby: Playing catch
Favorite food: Tabasco hot sauce
Dislikes: Wasabi

“...My wish? It’s a secret.”

The silent, expressionless type. Is often late and nods off in class.

Skill: Eating a lot
Hobby: Picking up shells
Favorite food: Japanese beef bowl
Dislikes: Mont blanc

Game Information

Title: List 118
Genre: School Horror Adventure
Platform: PC game
Rating: Age 15+
Planned Price: 2,500 JPY
* This information reflects the plans for the game and may be subject to change depending on development circumstances.

Crowdfunding Campaign

We are grateful for any support that we receive on our crowdfunding page. On the crowdfunding page, background information about the project and details on rewards for backers is available. Anyone that is interested in learning more about List 118, please check our crowdfunding page!





