
美少女の記事 (3)

ゲームの基礎ぐらいは出来た! 動画 movie










muscle battle test story English version heroine!

Elina was born in the Americas'
She was born in Southtown, the largest fighting city in the Americas.

When Elina's body was placed on the other side of the ancient scale of a balance with an iron block on top, it is said that she was a big baby weighing about 5,900 grams,
Elina was a big baby weighing about 5,900 grams.

After Elina's birth, her mother died of an injury sustained during the fight.
Unlike her mother, my father wanted to raise Elina like a woman,
However, the blood of the family would not allow it.
Both parents were well-known warriors in this fighting city.

Elina wanted to get out of Southtown.
But her father, who controlled Southtown, would not allow it.
But her father, who controlled Southtown, would not allow her to do so.

Eleven year old Elina came to the very edge of the city to distract herself.
She would come to the outer wall of the city's very edge and
chatting with white-skinned girls and sometimes fighting with dark-skinned boys,
and sometimes fight with dark-skinned boys.

But neither gender dominance nor racial superiority
But neither gender nor racial superiority means anything in front of Elina.

She is blessed with a height of 161 cm,
more prominent than her height of 161cm, and her skeletal structure
Her frame is as prominent as a rock. Her abs and thighs are ripped, her calves and arms muscular.
Calves and arm muscles that rise and fall.
Men's trapezius and shoulder muscles that are as hard as a man's.
Single-digit body fat percentage.
She weighed 68 kilograms.

Elina's deviated as a woman.
The body of a warrior is clearly out of her gender.

It is no wonder, then, that Elina's parents' blood is
one of the world's strongest fighters and
one of the best professional wrestlers in American history.

Miraculously, that blood? Miraculously, Elina was born with pure blood.
Elina was born with pure blood.

As a female, she has the world's best qualities.
Elina's power is as strong as an adult's.
She has KO'd a dark-skinned male "boy" with a throw.
Today, she KO'd a dark-skinned male "boy" by throwing him.

The boy, who was unable to move, was taken to the arena's infirmary to await his father's wrath,
He returned to his room in the arena dormitory to await his father's wrath.
I returned to the arena dormitory and my room to await my father's wrath.

In the evening, on the upper floor of the arena
on the upper floor of the arena, a magnificent conference room decorated with
a magnificent conference room, decorated with the remnants of an ancient civilization.

Facing the table,
father and daughter sat facing each other at the table.

If the daughter is a daughter, then the father is a man of great talent.
With a body bigger than a heavyweight and arms that are muscular even in his middle age
arms that were muscular even in his middle age.
protruded from his silken white-colored clothes.

'I hear you've finally done it,' she said.
I heard about it from one of Boy's buddies who's been sleeping around."

Elina's father glanced at his daughter with a sharp glare.
Elina's father glared at his daughter with sharp eyes.

Elina's face stiffened slightly and she looked nervous.
Elina's face was slightly tense.

Elina's face was slightly tense.
After a pause, he asked his daughter in a heavy, dignified voice.

She said, "It's his fault, the boy's bad!
He's a white gorilla!
He says no man will look at me!"

Elina clenched her large, apple-sized palms,
Elina clenched her large, apple-sized palms and pounded the table with her rock-like fists. Pieces of wood from the shattered wooden table scattered with a flourish.

Elina's father looked at her and frowned.

He said, "You're not overdoing it, are you?
Your body is more special than the boys',
Your body is more specialized than most men's, and you can easily destroy the opposite sex.
Especially not that one, right?

"I didn't overdo it!
I just lifted him up a little and threw him.
It's as light as a baby monkey, so I just smacked it on the ground.
I was just punishing him a little."

Elina's father sighed a little,

"The number of warriors is important to maintain the income of this fighting city.
It is important, so if a man provokes you, don't break him.
You will not be able to stock this city with food and clothing.
If you break the man, I will lock you in your room."

"What? Confinement!
I don't want to...

Then learn to control yourself a little.
You're a woman,
Don't be like your mother.

Elina shivered,
Elina shuddered, afraid that this time she would lose her freedom.
And then there was her mother, who had passed away.

She went to bed early that day, depressed.




