Follow Re:Volte, and keep up to date with them!
Following requires user registration
Re:Volte's Plans
DLsite/Ci-enの登録と、このCi-enのRe:Volteを無料フォローすると、 限定記事であるイベント後記を見られるようになります。 (毎回の”オトモなトークtrack”配信記事に含まれています) また不定期で、記念トラックがGETできることも…!
Monthly Cost: 490 yen plan
チームRe:Volte、応援部隊さんライトの加入プランです! 基本のお礼は1ヶ月~季節ごと「即売会限定トークトラック」データと 不定期に記念まごころトラックです。 また即売会ご来訪時は、カード提示で”おまけ度”が+1されます。(※詳細は下記↓へ) 作品本編を制作もしつつ 楽しく色々とお贈りしてゆけたらm(_ _)m すでに、いつもたくさん応援いただいてますがががががが 物理と精神ともに作品づくりの励みになりますので もしお気が向きましたら、応援のお気持ちお待ちしております。 試行錯誤ながら、誠心誠意と全身全霊で活動してまります! ※<おまけ度+1の特典について> 即売会時にサポート登録会員証のデータ画像ご提示で、 購入おまけを決める購入数カウントを+1加算します! 例:CD2枚ご購入+会員証ご提示で+1=3枚購入分のおまけ (段階によっておまけが変わらないこともあります)
About Paid Plans
You can end your support for a creator or change plans anytime.※
Changing to a lower plan will not result in an extra charge, as the content included is the same. Changing to a higher plan will result in a charge for the difference in the cost of your current monthly plan and the new plan.
* Exempting the last day of the month from 21:00~ to the first of the following month at 00:00.
Creator articles posted during a month you supported can be viewed even if you are no longer supporting them.
Creator articles from a month during which you supported can be viewed even if you've stopped supporting them. If you end support for a creator during a month, you can still view all new articles that release until the end of that month. (* Please note that past articles can be hidden or deleted at the creator's discretion.)
How to use
Ci-en is not a marketplace.
Ci-en is a platform dedicated to supporting creators. It is not for the registration review for users, or creators, or plan contents.
Please see [What is Ci-en?] for more information about keeping Ci-en an open and creative environment for all users.
About Payment Methods
- Electronic money
- Internet banking
- Convenience Store Advance Payment
- Bank Transfer
- BitCash