Follow 鳥乃カヲリ, and keep up to date with them!
Following requires user registration
鳥乃カヲリ's Plans
Monthly Cost: 500 yen plan
・プライベート日記 ・ラフ、無臭正高解像度イラスト ・先行公開情報、不定期企画など
Monthly Cost: 1,000 yen plan
下位プランの内容+ ・FANBOX限定のイラスト(超健全) ・PSDデータ公開 ・限定日記
Monthly Cost: 3,000 yen plan
下位プランの内容+ 趣味のコスプレ写真(不定期)
Monthly Cost: 5,000 yen plan
選べる特典(偶数月に1回、前月と当月の加入が条件です) ①Discord15分個別通話 ②描き下ろしミニアイコン ③描き下ろしXヘッダー ④デジタルお手紙交換(推し活や活動アドバイスOK) 12ヶ月継続特典:「選べる特典2点」 特典は申告制です、月初に投稿するフォームから申請してください。 ②③イラストは簡単なミニキャラ描写です。版権以外でリクエストOKです。
Monthly Cost: 10,000 yen plan
選べる特典(毎月) ①15分個別通話 ②描き下ろしミニアイコン ③描き下ろしXヘッダー ④デジタルお手紙交換(推し活や活動アドバイスなど) 12ヶ月継続特典:「選べる特典3点」or「私物プレゼント」or「描き下ろしアナログ色紙」 特典は申告制です、月初に投稿するフォームから申請してください。 ②③イラストは簡単なミニキャラ描写です。版権以外でリクエストOKです。
About Paid Plans
You can end your support for a creator or change plans anytime.※
Changing to a lower plan will not result in an extra charge, as the content included is the same. Changing to a higher plan will result in a charge for the difference in the cost of your current monthly plan and the new plan.
* Exempting the last day of the month from 21:00~ to the first of the following month at 00:00.
Creator articles posted during a month you supported can be viewed even if you are no longer supporting them.
Creator articles from a month during which you supported can be viewed even if you've stopped supporting them. If you end support for a creator during a month, you can still view all new articles that release until the end of that month. (* Please note that past articles can be hidden or deleted at the creator's discretion.)
How to use
Ci-en is not a marketplace.
Ci-en is a platform dedicated to supporting creators. It is not for the registration review for users, or creators, or plan contents.
Please see [What is Ci-en?] for more information about keeping Ci-en an open and creative environment for all users.
About Payment Methods
- Electronic money
- Internet banking
- Convenience Store Advance Payment
- Bank Transfer
- BitCash